Virovitica, Croatia
November 2019 - March 2020
Sewerage grid system
Our company undertook to implement the bioaugmentation method at the City of Virovitica with a four month contract. The perfect communication of both sides led to a efficient cooperation with multiple positive results for the sewerage system grid of the city.
The daily injection of microorganisms in strategic location at the sewerage system grid helped to achieve the results of our method.
At this little time of our contract our method achieved:
1) Fats, oils and grease (FOG) at 50%
2) Chemical oxygen demand (COD) at 66%
3) Suspended solids (SS) at 60%.
4) Total Phosphorus (TP) at 65%
5) Total Nitrogen (TN) at 23%
Except for the degradation of the influent parameters our method achieved the following
Elimination of odours
Elimination of odours has been taken place accross the whole sewerage system grid of the city of Virovitica. Pumping stations and pipelines do not produce any "bad" smells anymore.

Elimination of solid fats
Our method with a daily injection of microorganisms reduces even the hard fat solids unblocking and cleaning the pipeline.

Cleaning of pumping stations
Our method eliminates the organic matter of the pumping stations reducing the need of the maintance of them. On the left there is a picture of a pumping station in Virovitica that our method didn't applied.
Cleaning of pumping stations
The microorganisms that have been used achieve the elimination of the organic matter.
On the right there is a picture of a pumping station in Virovitica that our method has been applied daily.