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Sabac, Serbia

Our company undertook a pilot project with the Seweage system of Sabac in order to show the benefits of our method.

The method took place from September 2022 and finished on December 2022 (4 months). 


KOMETBIO selected one pumping station with serious problems of blockages and a crossroad with odor problems.


The huge problem of blockages that the pumping station was dealing with made the sewage company perform 4 service cleanings by mechanical means, per month!

By the implementation our method the sewage company had no one cleaning service of the pumping station for four months. That means that our method achieved 100% of elimination of service and cleaning by mechanical means of the pumping station playing a cost saving role for the sewage company. 


The wastewater analysis that the sewage system proves that our method improved the waste water parameteres.



pumping station sabac.png

The second spot sewage system company assigned to KOMETBIO was a crossroad which was dealing with odor problems due to sludge settlement in this specific place. Our method with the selected microorganisms managed to reduce the sludge settlement and also reduce the odor problem to this neighborhood. 


The waste water analysis taken by sewage system company proves the reduction of the sludge settlement as the parameters of waste water has been incredibely improved.


As you can see in the graph on the right side the suspended solids has been incredibely decreased meaning that a huge amount of sludge has been hydrolized and "unstucked" from the pipeline.

crossroad sabac.png
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